Under the Wire

11:54 PM Saturday 7 March 2009

Ha! Posted just under the wire.

It was another beautiful day here on Abu Dhabi island. One could not wish for better weather. I will certainly miss this season when I start complaining about the stifling heat in a couple of months.

Not much to tell, pleasant breakfast at a local cafe and an agreeable walk along the Corniche. Life sure does revolve around the Corniche here. There is plenty I have not explored. But, time will cure that. I'm overdue for a haircut. So I'm told. Monday I think I'll try the barbershop on the 2nd floor of Spinney's. Or would that be the first floor of Spinney's?

Sunday evening will mark my second week living in the UAE. I do enjoy living here. I hope to learn some Arabic and make some friends. Yesterday, I even jotted down a little prose - perhaps more will bubble to the surface.

It is now midnight, and we're all still up...Guess a three day weekend will do that.

